Post HGTV: Random Urban Outsiders Notes
I did a search of myself on Google yesterday-- shut up, you know you all do it, too-- and decided to see if there was any new information on the HGTV show Urban Outsiders. These are the folks who redid our backyard, and I think I may even start a third little blog where I can collect all of those old entries.
Anyway, you can find the Mondo Rick-o blog if you do a Google search on HGTV and the show title. But then I also came across an article with this pic on it. Um, yeah, that's a pic Steve took that I posted on this blog. Crazy!
Two Four is the production company that shot Urban Outsiders for HGTV, and the crew knew about my blog so I have to assume that one of the producers decided to lift a pic for their press release. But it's still pretty crazy.
You can also find this message board on the HGTV website where they talk about the show a little bit. Here the show is listed as premiering July 12th at 9:30pm. No telling when our particular episode will run, but we did get a letter from the production saying that they would be contacting us soon with further information. Very excited.
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